The wish for fast weight loss is everybody's dirty little secret. After all the excesses of December's merry-making, your New Year resolution is to shed those extra pounds, and all of a sudden you notice a huge poster saying,' lose weight in 30 day.'
It is tempting to fall prey to this promise of fast weight loss but what are you risking? Quick solutions can cause severe detrimental effects on your health. Even if you leave physical harm aside, fast weight loss may cause mental stress and depression as well. Therefore, before believing any fast weight loss advice, take a moment and have a look at the top 10 risks that fast weight loss brings with it.
Fast weight loss risk # 1: Fast weight loss is not a permanent solution
According to Priya, Nutritionist from Mumbai: "Before adopting fast weight loss methods, you have to be very cautious. Though it might help you lose some weight, the results are not sustainable for a long time. Since your body is not trained to the temporary changes, it will fail to adapt to the changes and more likely you will get back all the weight that you had lost."
Fast weight loss risk # 2: Fast weight loss means dehydration
The most famous technique to lose some quick pounds is the dehydration technique. Since most of the body weight is water; people dehydrate themselves to lose weight. This technique is totally unreal and harmful.
Depriving yourself of water is not healthy at all. It can lead to various serious health problems like fainting, dizziness, and heart palpitations. Sometimes, it can further lead to muscle damage and also death. Plus, you will get back to your old weight very quickly as your body is known to restore fluids naturally.
Fast weight loss risk # 3: Poor sleep
Quick weight loss can make you tired very quickly and very often. When you get into a weight loss schedule, many individuals engage in lessening the amount of calories intake instead of burning fat. Due to low calorie intake, the metabolic rate goes down, which further means less energy and a more tired you.
Fast weight loss risk # 4: Formation of gallstones
Gallbladder is present in your abdomen. It is a small sac present below the liver. This gallbladder helps in storage of fat until it is needed. Priya says - rapid weight loss can produce gallstones. Gallstones are hardening of cholesterols which looks like stones. These tiny stones can cause severe damage as it can cause infection due to obstruction in the normal flow of bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine.
Fast weight loss risk # 5: Nutritional deficiency
When you adopt a quick weight loss plan, you restrict yourself only to certain food. Due to this restriction, you are cutting yourself from various nutrients that are necessary for the upkeep of your body and you.
Fast weight loss risk # 6: You are increasing your stress level
Staying away from certain food or starving yourself to lose weight fast, can lower the metabolism rate in your body, which will further increase the stress hormone - cortisol. Due to the high presence of this hormone, you will feel mentally, physically and emotionally stressed and lost.
Fast weight loss risk # 7: Hair loss
When you start the fast weight loss journey, you are depriving yourself from essential nutrients. Your hair needs protein to grown and to be healthy. But due to your diet plan, you are avoiding adequate protein intake. This makes your hair dry, brittle and this eventually causes hair fall.
Fast weight loss risk # 8: Fat storage
When you are in starvation mode to lose weight fast, your body signals itself about it and stores food. Due to this problem, when you get back to your normal diet, you not only gain what you had lost but also gain some extra unwanted weight and fat.
Fast weight loss risk # 9: Metabolism disruption
When you are on the fast weight loss diet mode, your body gets its signal and in order to survive, it slows down the metabolic rate. But when you come back to your normal eating routine, you experience weight gain due to a slower metabolic rate.
To beat this, you may again go into a crash diet, and with this your body starts a cycle of losing and gaining weight. These frequent changes can cause severe disruption in your metabolic rate and on your body.
Fast weight loss risk # 10: Various health problems
Due to lack of adequate supply of essential nutrients in your body, it can bring you closer to various health problems like muscle weakness, anemia, constipation etc. If these symptoms are not treated timely, it can cause serious damage to your health.
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